


the Genealogical Dictionary
(Version 12-31-2021)
GenLex Windows
GenLex Windows
macOS (ARM)
GenLex MacOS
X (Intel 64-Bit)
GenLex Linux
GenLex Linux
This file contains genealogical vocabulary. Both
"Familienbande" as well as GenLex can make use of
this file.
This is a short manual for GenLex in .pdf-format.

Those who already use "Familienbande" donot need
GenLex, as it is integrated in "Familienbande".
Users of other programs will find GenLex to be a
useful tool for quickly checking unusual
To use GenLex, you need "Familienbande'"
dictionary file (see download page). The file is
completey editable, feel free to add, correct, of
delete entries.
If you want to make your changes available for
other users, please send me a note.
The file now comes with soundexcode generation and
includes church sundays.
Use the software at you won risk. I cannot be
held responsible for any damage in any way.

(Version 26. August 2021)
Attention: Some message
texts have changed! If you have used
ShowMeGedcom in an older version, please set a
different language. After that you can use
your preferred language again.
ShowMeGedcom Windows
ShowMeGedcom macOS
Linux (64-Bit)
The manual from 06 September 2020
(translated by Deepl https://www.deepl.com/translator).
With ShowMeGedcom, you can verify that your
Gedcom file conforms to the GEDCOM standard. The
current version 5.5.1 was released in November
2019 and should be supported by current programs.
For this reason, ShowMeGedcom checks your GEDCOM
file for compliance with GEDCOM 5.5.1, but also
takes into account the outdated 5.5 version.
In addition to simply checking the file, you can
convert the (possibly incorrect) character
encoding to the UTF-8 variant commonly used today
and have some common errors fixed.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free
If you have already viewed a GEDCOM file with a
text editor, you will have noticed that it is
difficult to navigate and the structure is quite
confusing. This is where ShowMeGedcom is a good
help. It allows you to review GEDCOM files in a
clear and concise manner.
Changes within the file are also possible.
However, you should be well versed in GEDCOM.
Normally, users should not modify GEDCOM files
ShowMeGedcom was created by working on the gedcom-l@genealogy.net
mailing list. There, the developers of genealogy
software discuss the identical use of GEDCOM to
achieve an exchange without loosing data.
ShowMeGedcom is a tool which is still under
development. Bug reports and feature requests are
Use the software at you own risk. I cannot be
held responsible for any damage in any way.
The following languages are included in the
You can also use other languages by dragging a
language file into the main window.
For your own translation or improvement of the
existing languages you can download the internal
files here:
